I have learned there is true value in challenging myself to complete something. I have been the most successful when keeping my challenges small. Lately, filling sketchbooks have helped me improve on certain skills and it's given me quite a bit of sanity. I have 100 blank 5 x 7 craft cover Scoutbooks that I will be decorating the covers. My main goal during this time is to use supplies in my stash (any mediums that can hold up to being on a notebook cover). That's it. Use what I have. And I have a lot. Please follow me on this journey so you can see how I tackle this challenge. I'll be posting to Instagram using the hashtag #100UMNotebooks if you want to follow along.
FYI if you are viewing this on a mobile phone, your view of the notebooks are out of order but they are all there!
When I planned for this 100 day project, there was no thought of the quarantine and social unrest coming our way during this time. Especially painful for me as a Black woman is the constant murder of Black citizens by law enforcement officials or those acting on behalf of law enforcement (whether officially appointed, self appointed, or as an act of white privilege). The subjugation and hunting of Black bodies is not entertainment. We are not property. We are not chattel. We are not slaves. Every life is precious but in this moment, we need to remember that BLACK LIVES MATTER and the mindset towards the Black bodies that inhabit this Earth must change. See us. See our pain. See our blood shed in the streets and help us change the mindsets that continue to uphold the systems that were built to oppress us and suppress us. As I finished up this 100 day project, I let my grief and despair lead the way for the last few notebooks in the collection.