Upstate Mississippi

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Crafty Friends

I love the crafty friends that I have been bonding with lately. There is nothing better than spending time with like minded people making something you love using a skill you love.

Sunday was family day at the Hunter Museum in the Bluff View Art District which also meant it was free. Every first Sunday is free day!! Check your local museums for events. It's well worth it. So I spent early Sunday afternoon gallivanting through the museum listening to the Satellite Sisters on my iPod. I may make this a monthly thing. It was really nice and such a beautiful day. The view from the mansion on the bluff is gorgeous. Someone was even getting married on the terrace overlooking the river. I made it through the museum in about an hour and a half and I was hoping to find a nice postcard to send to a penpal oversees but I didn't like the selection.

I met GailR at Rembrandt's for tea, sweets and knitting. We were there for hours and it was such a nice day. The bride from the museum even walked by taking her pictures using the backdrop of the art district. Sorry I didn't take any pictures that day. I wasn't thinking.

So the rest of my week (hobbywise), I've been prepping for a sew-a-long with crafty friend AmandaH. We're doing an Amy Butler frenchy bag and actually I am doing two of them. One or both may end up being gifts. In needing to choose fabrics, AmandaH pointed me towards Sew Bee It in Ringgold, GA. This is such a cute and fantastic shop. The ladies were great and very helpful and I know I will be spending time with them in the future. I chose six fabrics that I absolutely love and I spent some time last night getting everything cut out.

My goal for today is to get my bobbins threaded and possibly get all of my pieces basted as needed. I may not get to sew until next week as my little sister is graduating from college this weekend. More on that later.

With that, I'm signing out to clean. Happy crafting!!!