I'm Taking a Stand Now
I have a lot of blogs in my RSS reader and although I spend time catching up everyday, I very rarely get to the point of zero unread items. I feel like I get a lot of good content and inspiration but I also get a lot of useless
junk mental fodder.
Today, I deleted several blogs from my stream that I just don’t seem to have use for anymore. But the ones that are really driving me carzy are the ones that post multiple times a day. I am known from time to time to put up two posts a day, but unless you are a news or social media outfit of some kine, please keep it at less than three a day.
One of these said blogs had SEVEN posts for today at the time that I am writing this. She apparently uses her mornings to post and she does it hourly. This morning’s posts were clocked in at 7:10, 8:08, 9:10, 10:05, 11:05, 12:05, and 1:05. I was amazed. Every hour! Looking back on the past two weeks 6-7 posts a day is her average, but for the content I am getting, this is a bit much for me. DELETE!
Please don’t misunderstand and think I am being a blog snob. If the content was interesting, I would save them and go back to them on the weekends when I have more time and not during my lunch breaks. During lunch, I like to consume as much content as possible. I usually find something inspiring and I’m able to get through the rest of my day. Get bogged down in multiple useless posts drains me a bit.
But, the only people that can truly judge the value of our content are our subscribers and regular readers. My goal in blogging is not to be overly prolific. My goal is to produce content that is, if not usable, then enjoyable.
We could all be happy if we exercised a little productive filtering not only in what we consume but also in what we produce.