Upstate Mississippi

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Week 1 Update

*This was supposed to be a 1 wk check in. Now, it’s two. Time is flying!*

The first week of November has been a busy one so far. Even though I haven’t done as much as I would have liked to by this point, I’m happy with the progress.


This is my first year attempting Nablopomo. This is also the first year that Blogher has hosted the event. I am going to attribute the technical difficulties to the fact that they are new to the process. I signed up. I have my welcome email telling me what to do. I set up my page, added a profile picture, posted my first post and added my blog to the November blogroll. all was well. The following day, all the links to the site seemed to be broken and my login to the site would not work. If you’ve spent any amount of time on the Blogher site, you know how congested and ad heavy it is. It is also very difficult to find the right person to email with a problem. Eventually, I gave up. I didn’t want getting bogged down in technical difficulties to keep me from the actual task of writing.

So, you can find me on Blogher (I’m #1085 on the blogroll) but I think my involvement with Blogher won’t go beyond that. What really upset me was that a user on Ravelry had the same issue and actually managed to get her username reestablished. So, the Blogher team is full aware of the issue, but no information to that was given in the update email. And that’s another thing. I’m still getting the emails, but the site tells me it doesn’t recognize my email address. Really Blogher???


I have barely done any novel writing this month and I’m actually not upset about it at all. With this blog and my November Prayer Project, I have actually been writing quite a bit, just in a different form. And I’m happy with that. November is about writing and my progress in that is evident. I still check in on the Nano site whenever I can to see what my connections are up to. They’re not writing either, it seems. But I know that will change. There are a couple of them every year that seem to slack in the beginning but then attend a few write-ins at the end and manage to catch up. It’s really amazing that they can do that. Who know, may I will too. :)

How is your writing progressing this November?