September Reading Recap
September was a slow month for reading, but these two books were doozies.
I've provided links below, so I won't go into a synopsis. I listened to both of these as audiobooks and I'll just give my brief thoughts..
Missoula by Jon Krakauer It was a mistake getting this book as an audio selection. Listening to the same rape account over and over again was disturbing. I do wish the author had used more cases, but the point was made none the less. Every year, someone's daughter becomes a victim and someone's son becomes a rapist. Assaults on college campuses are real and so many perpetrators and victims don't quite understand what they have become a part of. It's important that we not ignore things. It's important that we talk to our children. It's important that everyone understands this is not okay.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn I have not yet seen the movie, because I wanted to read the book first. While I'm completely intrigued by the madness that spewed out of the author and onto the page, I can't say this makes me want to see the movie. I strongly believe there are crazy people that fly under the radar and torment those around them. I've got my eyes on EVERYONE!