Travel Safe

For all of you hitting the road again today, please be careful and enjoy the ride. I bought a few new hair products yesterday that I will be reviewing in the coming weeks. I’ll just leave you with a picture of today’s hair.


A Little Sadness Has Fallen

It’s my last night in front of the fire for a little while. I’m sad to be back on the road for work. I’m sad to be leaving my mom and grandma. I’m sad to be leaving my friends. But I will be back soon.

I’m happy to say my grandma loves the fiancé so I guess I have no choice now but to keep him.

Now that my favorite holiday has passed, I will be working on planning the wedding, planning my career and planning for great things to happen in my life. I almost feel like its time to make new years resolutions. Thanksgiving always feels like a natural end of the year for me anyway. While everyone else is shopping away and anticipating Christmas, I will be making resolutions and goals and stepping into so many new things.

What does Thanksgiving mean for you? Are you getting wrapped up in the shopping and craziness of Christmas?

Happy Thanksgiving Haze

I know the haze has fully set in from the Thanksgiving meal. I hope you all had a great time with your friends and family. And even if Thanksgiving is not your thing, I hope you took a moment to think on the things that you are thankful for. I am so very thankful for my family, friends and neighbors who have helped me through this last year of hard work and travel.

In other news, I finally found a Carol’s Daughter product that I can use and so far I really, really like it. My mother had bought one of the CD starter kits from a department store and in it there was a little sample jar of the Mimosa Hair Honey. I had never personally handled this product so my interest was piqued.


Immediately, this product passed the smell test. This is always my biggest issue with CD products. They are usually just too heavily perfumed for me. This product has a really light scent that I could tell wouldn’t last long. I’m happy to say I was right about that.

I had washed my hair that morning and just let it dry with no product. My curly fro was impressive but definitely not the look I wanted to have on Thanksgiving day. I decided to try the Hair Honey to see how it worked. I parted for flat twists and sprayed with water before applying the Hair Honey. There is no hold to the product so it was a little iffy only applying this with no gel. But after getting a couple of flat twists done, I could immediately see the shine the hair honey gave. And although the twists had no hold, there was a look to the twists that I really liked. This would be perfect for the naturals that wear two strand twists as styles. Because the Hair Honey is not a styler, I didn’t have to worry about my hair not drying during the night.IMAG0460-2011-11-24-22-55.jpg

I side parted my hair and flat twisted down, away from my face. Since I didn’t know how greasy my hair would feel, I didn’t want to have the hair falling into my face.


I couldn’t be more happy with the results. My hair had a beautiful shine, the smell was completely gone and because I didn’t add any gel, I had really nice touchable hair that had very good definition. My hair was a little oily in the beginning but that quickly soaked in. Now, this would not work in the summer humidity but I will be buying this product to use as light styler for the winter.