I always get asked how I find subjects for my art or where I find inspiration. I take a lot of photos and I save a lot of photos that are sent to me. One friend travels the world taking these amazing landscape photos and my mother catalogs every bit of my nephew's being.
It's his amazing eyes and beautifully fluffy curly hair that sucks me in so I decided to try and use him as a study subject.
I am not a strong sketcher so I gave myself a leg up by using a projector to outline his shape and features. The details are being filled in slowly as I stare at zoomed in photos.
I'm by no means perfect at this form of art but I am so very proud of my ability to put detail in hair! When given a choice, I will always start with the hair.
My recent desire for sketching is also partially driven by the tools I am using, in this case a sanguine oil pencil. Both the color and composition of this lead is quite enjoyable to work with.
Outside that, I have lots of flagged Instagram posts, Pinterest boards and screenshots of amazing elements that I want to pull into my art at some point.