Calm and relaxation can come from a number of places but lately I find my greatest solace comes from letting my brain wander as I doodle around an image. Needless to say anxiety has been mounting as we navigate life in a pandemic. Add southern spring storms and power outages to the mix and life can have you bouncing off the wall. So I went to my sketchbook and created this doodle page. I love drawing trees and I’m happy to say I’m really starting to like the look of my trees. And since I love mixed media, adding a bit of collage to the page adds some interest and some other shapes to doodle around. This free printable includes a printout of the bare tree and the collaged tree. Pick a pen (one color or many) and doodle away.
The printable downloads as a zip file with two jpegs. Print 8.5 x 11 .
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