Check out my Etsy shop. I have started it with four needle cases but more should be added by the end of the week. I brought my sewing machine on location with me so I have no excuse. Check out what I have and keep an eye out for possible Christmas gifts for yourself and all your crafting friends.
I'm cutting this post short as I have more sewing to do. Thank you to all of you that have given me comments and encouragements and I would appreciate any comments you have on the shop.
I haven't added my banner and all the prettyness yet so right now it's just the basics but I'm open to any suggestions you all may have. Now get to shopping!
Check out my Etsy shop. I have started it with four needle cases but more should be added by the end of the week. I brought my sewing machine on location with me so I have no excuse. Check out what I have and keep an eye out for possible Christmas gifts for yourself and all your crafting friends.
I'm cutting this post short as I have more sewing to do. Thank you to all of you that have given me comments and encouragements and I would appreciate any comments you have on the shop.
I haven't added my banner and all the prettyness yet so right now it's just the basics but I'm open to any suggestions you all may have. Now get to shopping!