Baby Joy

I have two babies to knit for in my time off work (not including the nephew). These are two little girls that I am so happy to have around to knit for. One is here already and was a preemie so I was not able to get any projects done before she showed up. The other is yet to be born. She is due in December. Today, I found the perfect little knit for both of them and I have just enough yarn to do two. The first was completed in a few hours. I’ll start the next one in a few days.



I have to take a moment to reach out to all of you knitters out there and beg you not to model your baby wares on your pets. Every time I see a cute little baby sweater modeled by a dog, I start to itch. Be mindful of the allergens, please and keep the baby knitwear off the pets! It’s not cute people. I’m itching just thinking about it. I urge you to find other models as I have done. That is my public service announcement for the week. I promise not to do it again.
