Continuing on my reading journey for the year, I devoured four Woody Allen books in my Audible library. Despite my repulsion at some of the decisions Mr. Woody has made in his personal life, I adore this man as a great writer. And hearing him read his short stories was even better. He is so comical and entertaining and personable…yes, I find Woody Allen personable. This man can turn a simple conversation about nothing into an event that makes you want to be a fly on the wall. My fiancé considers him the original Seinfeld. His re-writes of history are nothing short of hilarious and his subtle, yet jarring, methods of insulting characters had me laughing all over the place. I know insults shouldn’t be funny but he does them in such a way that they are too over the top to be taken seriously.
I would love to have a few dinners with Woody to see how his thought process flows. For now, I’ll just settle with this collection of books. I give these the highest rank possible, two thumbs up and a highly motivating and expressive recommendation to read.
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