Reading in 2016

I started tracking my reading back in 2012 when I realized how many unread books I had in my possession. After taking stock, I counted 493 books on my physical and electronic bookshelves with 199 unread. I would like to believe that number has decreased but I should know better.


While I have slowed down in my purchase of new titles, I continue to buy and acquire new books all the time. It's a habit that I just can seem to walk away from.

I have read 208 books since I started tracking in 2012. Every year I set a reading goal and I never manage to make it.  My 2015 goal was 50, but I only managed to read 40. Although I have never made my goal, I don't consider this a failure, especially considering most adults don't manage to read more than 1 book a year.

So, what's my goal for 2016? To keep reading, of course. But this year I will make a concerted effort to read from my shelves. I have a growing collection of books by women and southern writers that needs attention.


I will continue to purchase books through the year, but I will keep new purchases to recommendations from the book lovers in my life. So, please do weigh in. Any recommendations from you?

#31DayBlogChallenge day #15 is done!

We Can Sit Soon

I'm about ready to call an end to this celebratory season and just sit by the Christmas tree with a glass of wine as I watch the rest of it go by. Now that the major events are done, I'll be back to promoting this great business that I am trying to get off the ground.

Until I get this act together, enjoy these shots from the week's events.

Two of my favorite little people were in a fantastic Christmas production.

My cousin graduated from college!

And we can't finish the year without remembering those that have left us this year. This was a very special lunch at my church with a table set for each of our members who had died.

This season has been packed with so much but I am grateful for the time I have been able to spend with my friends and family. Merry Christmas, my friends.

#31DayBlogChallenge day #14 is done! We're not going to talk about the days that I missed. 

It's Party Season

The string of holiday parties has started.  Here are some shots from my company's party on the riverboat. You never know how a work holiday party will go but this was a good one.

How is your party season going so far?

#31DayBlogChallenge day #8 is done!