Strides of March

Congratulations to Sarah the volunteer coordinator at Chattanooga Cares. She did a great job organizing this year's march. I know it must have been hard for her considering this was her first year organizing things.

Of course no one could foresee how cold it would be today. The ground was wet from the rain we had yesterday and the wind kept blowing making the day a little colder than necessary. But everything went well and I couldn't help but smile seeing all the walkers crossing the walking bridge shortly after the start of the 3.1 mile walk.

Consider donating to the organization. HIV/AIDS affects us all.

What I Have Been Up To

Lots going on. I've been doing a lot of knitting. You can see some updated pictures and project info in Ravelry and on my flickr page (link on the side). Sorry for not posting more details at this time.

I wanted to get a quick post in before heading off to bed. I am attending a writer's conference this weekend and it starts early in the morning and I don't want to miss anything tomorrow.

Sunday, I'll be volunteering for Chattanooga Cares down on the river front for their annual Strides of March event. It should be a great day for all and a great day to raise money for AIDS/HIV awareness. If you are in the area, come on down. I'll be working volunteer registration from 9:30-1:00 and then I'll spend a couple of hours hanging around after that. ANYBODY WANT TO KNIT OUT THAT AFTERNOON??? Let me know!

So, more about the conference and my projects soon.

Take care!