September Reading Recap

September was a slow month for reading, but these two books were doozies.

September Reading.jpg

I've provided links below, so I won't go into a synopsis.  I listened to both of these as audiobooks and I'll just give my brief thoughts..

Missoula by Jon Krakauer It was a mistake getting this book as an audio selection. Listening to the same rape account over and over again was disturbing. I do wish the author had used more cases, but the point was made none the less. Every year, someone's daughter becomes a victim and someone's son becomes a rapist. Assaults on college campuses are real and so many perpetrators and victims don't quite understand what they have become a part of. It's important that we not ignore things. It's important that we talk to our children. It's important that everyone understands this is not okay.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn I have not yet seen the movie, because I wanted to read the book first. While I'm completely intrigued by the madness that spewed out of the author and onto the page, I can't say this makes me want to see the movie. I strongly believe there are crazy people that fly under the radar and torment those around them. I've got my eyes on EVERYONE!

Ladies Workshop Preparation

A lot of crafting has taken place here at Workshop Sunnyside. I just wanted to share some of the embellishments I put together for a one day workshop that we had. Enjoy!


Prayer has been the main focus for our church, so we reflected that in our workshop plans.  This sign is acrylic paint on freezer paper. I enjoyed having an excuse to improve my lettering.


This sign was made for our check-in table. It's the same acrylic paint on freezer paper. I also used the paint with a stencil I recently purchase. My feelings were mixed on the results, but I felt the need to continue the theme I had started on the floor tiles.


You know you've met a truly crazy crafter when she is spray painting in the dining room.


These are floor tiles that I spray painted using the stencil. They marked the pathway from one area of the church to another. The one thing I would change for the future is the paper.  I used the freezer paper because it was the right size and it was in my pantry. Because I sprayed the design on the rough side, it meant the slick side would be taped to the floor. Wouldn't you know the event fell on a rainy day...

Plain white index cards were stamped with red hearts. These cards were used during an exercise where the ladies anonymously revealed something about themselves. The tears!

The most personal touch was the embroidered lap scarves made for the women who spoke during the event. 

These simple, inexpensive details added to the day and it made the event just a little more special.