No Knitting

Instead of knitting, I have been catching up on blogs in my RSS reader. Basically, I am procrastinating. I need to start getting ready for another life change. Actually, I guess this is more like a life backtrack or reset. I’ve been on the road for work for almost two years. Over Thanksgiving, I decided it was time for me to go home. This was a difficult decision to make as I met my fiancé on the road and can’t yet take him home with me. :(

But I’m excited to be going home. Spending so much time with grandma in front of the fireplace didn’t help at all. But, it’s time to go. I’ve been loosing money (oh, what we do for love!) and now I’m passing a timeline that will throw me into a tax bracket that would do me more harm than good. It’s amazing to know that there is a point when making more money just takes more money out of your pocket.

So, I need an exit plan. That’s what I will be doing over the next few days. My list will include

        ❑        Sending a notice to vacate to the apartment

        ❑        Make a plan for finishing out all the projects at work

        ❑        Start packing

        ❑        Cancel all the crap I have to pay for (i.e. cable, gas, power, etc.)

        ❑        Figure out what to do with the furniture that is not going with me or the fiancé

        ❑        Throw some crap away

        ❑        Goodwill giving

        ❑        and a lot of other stuff that is not coming to me right now

I’m sad to be parting from the fiancé for a while but I am happy to get back home so I can get the house ready to go from a single girl dwelling to a home for two.

What changes are coming your way for the new year?

Nothing. Still.

I promise you tomorrow I will have some finished socks to show…or something. I just finished setting my hair for the night and I am off to bed (after I watch a few YouTube videos, that is).

Good night!


I’ve been trying to figure out all day what to blog about, but I’m a little preoccupied and can’t really come up with anything interesting. I have a couple of tough conversations to have tomorrow regarding an opportunity that I am going to walk away from. Even though the decision itself lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, the conversations to explain my decision are a different story.

It is very difficult to get people to understand the decisions we make, especially when they think they are making you the best offer available to you. But, what you should understand about April is that I don’t settle for things. I determine what is best for me and I go after what is best for me. And that is what I must relay tomorrow.

Wish me luck!