Happy New Year?

My 2012 has truly started in an interesting way…and by interesting, I mean it sucks already. Here are the highlights.

  1. I spent the first week of the year wondering if the job I have would be over at the end of the week. On Friday I was informed I still need to come to work on Monday so I guess I should be happy about that. I’ll see if I make it through this next week. It’s the nature of the work that I’m in but it doesn’t get any easier to deal with.

  2. When starting to put out feelers for jobs with other places in the city, I was politely informed that one company does not look on it highly that I quit working for them at one point. Seeing as everyone there are “friends” that I’ve worked with, I’m taking that to mean that someONE did not appreciate me taking better job opportunities over staying there to work with them. The reasons I left had to do with taking a better, more interesting and more risky job opportunity. It had nothing to do with the company or it’s employees that I thought were my friends. Oh well.

  3. Distance does not always make the heart grow fonder and it definitely won’t help people think of you more fondly.

  4. An 800 square foot apartment can accumulate a lot of stuff. Incorporating that stuff into an already full house can be a bit much. As such, the charity pile is growing.

  5. Just the thought of being positive is depressing me, so bah humbug to the new year.

Merry Christmas

This will be an uneventful Christmas for me as I am in the middle of a major transition of life and living. I am blessed to be spending this Christmas with my fiancé but as he is sound asleep and I am nowhere close to tired, I am watching my favorite holiday movie (The Holiday) and packing. And I shouldn’t leave out the 20 games of Words With Friends that I have going and the blog reading that I’m catching up on.


So, even though this Christmas is uneventful, it will definitely be productive and enjoyable.

I wish you all a very blessed and joyful Christmas.

The Long Awaited Giveaway!

Forever ago, I mentioned that I was so inspired and motivated by the Blogalicious 2011 conference that I attended that i was going to hold my first giveaway at the end of November. Of course, I chose November because of all the online activities I was attempting to do, like Nanowrimo and Nablopomo. November came and went and although I managed to post every day during the month, I had absolutely NO follow through on my giveaway. And I have no excuses my friends. None whatsoever considering I did order the item and have had it on my bookshelf since it’s arrival.

So, to one of my very lucky readers will go a brand new Kindle Fire! <<insert applause here>>


To be eligible, you had to have been a follower of the site by the end of November or have commented on a post during the month of November. I put everyone’s name in a numbered list and used Random.org to pick a number and the winner is…

I’ve been following Nik’s blog for awhile now. She is a fellow knitter and a fellow STEM girl. Visit her on her site and consider joining to see her great projects.

I’m looking forward to the next Giveaway! Click that little follow button or comment often to be eligible. Thank you all for following along on this little journey known as my life.