Portlandia Imitating My Life

I saw this clip from Portlandia and I was immediately convicted for my recent behavior. I just finished a four day marathon of Dollhouse seasons 1& 2. I had seen a couple of shows when season 1 was airing, but I lost track of it and before you know it, the show was cancelled. I recently bought a media player for the TV in my guest room that I refuse to buy a cable box for. So, to test it out, I started watching several things, but got stuck when I watched the first episode of Dollhouse. I have been camped out in my guest bed every night devouring the show. I even watched a couple of episodes away from home in a place where I should not have been indulging. You didn’t hear that from me.

Anyway, Portlandia and Dollhouse both come highly recommended from me. I hope I get caught up on Portlandia before it gets cancelled so I don’t have to subject myself to another television marathon.

Reviews on the media player and service I used to watch the video coming soon.

GBE #35--Pet Peeves

I now have more than 200 posts to this blog. And every one of them became more familiar to me as I was taking care of some of the backlog issues with the blog. Adding tags to each post gave me a glimpse back to some of the things I have written about and some of the things I said I would do and never did. I am not a fan of people who demonstrate no follow through in life and with this blog and my writing in general, I have done the very thing that I despise. I failed to follow through on so many things.

I could blame it on all the travel for work that I have been doing. I could blame it on an ongoing lack of focus. I could blame it on the fact that in the beginning, I didn’t think anyone would read this blog of mine. I could blame it on a lot of things, but at the end of the day the blame lands right at my feet and accuses me.

I didn’t start blogging just for kicks. I started blogging to get used to putting something I wrote out into the world and having other people comment on it and possible shred it death. I did it so that when I eventually became an author, I would have had some dealings with the good and bad comments people would make against me. I did it because I have a voice and I want people to hear what I have to say. But none of that matters if I don’t consistently follow through. Who wants to follow the girl that promised to fill you in on that book she’s reading and two years later she still has nothing to say about it? It’s not a good look for me and I intend for that to change.

Please forgive me for not following through.

Blissdom 2012


You all know how much I raved about Blogalicious 2011? I was an amazing and eye opening experience. I hoping to get even more inspiration at the upcoming Blissdom Conference in Nashville, TN. This is so close to home, I just couldn’t pass it up. I have so much planning to do. I need new cards made. I need to finally get that QR code so I can easily share my contact information and blog links. And I need a plan for this blog and a press kit. Even though this blog is still really small, I’m quite interested sharing information about the products that make my life better. There isn’t anything better for spreading word of mouth information than the blogs we share with the world. I worry about the way products are marketed to us and I love seeing the truthful reviews from real people. Of course, not even every blogger can be trusted but I take the word of a real person over an advertisement any day.

And I completely blame Krystal Grant. I saw the Blissdom badge on her site and I couldn’t help but check it out. See, unspoken word of mouth.