I'm Going To Try

Blogging has been on the back burner here at Upstate Mississippi while I get my planner pages ready to launch.  The shop is still in progress and not completely live, but it is up. Go take a look at it (HERE) and let me know what you think. I have a special coupon code in my back pocket for your honest thoughts. All thoughts are welcome-good, bad, ugly, confusing.  

With this post, I am jumping on the #31dayblogchallenge hosted by Cheryl Sleboda. Come over and see what other bloggers, crafters and business owners are taking part.

With less than an hour to go on this first Friday of October, I have decided I am going to blog daily for the month. I have so many plans for my online presence including some rebranding. No better time than to start now.

I hope you are with me for the journey.