50 Words - Marriage Dont's

My marriage is full of don'ts.

Don't talk so much
Don't disagree
Don't have an opinion
Don't think you're too smart
Don't be too sexy
Don't touch in this spot. Don't touch too much
Don't do anything that your husband doesn't like

And all will be right with his world.

Why Not Me?

Years ago, I decided I wanted to do something. I had a passion for it and I really wanted to see that passion grow. In the hustle and bustle of life, the passion remained but the confidence to think I could do it waned. I succumbed to doubt and started to believe I couldn't do it and I could never figure out how.

But then came the Internet and Google and YouTube and I am seeing what so many others have done with so little. I am seeing others do what I have wanted to do. The barrier for entry has decreased and I have no reason not to get moving.

The plan is in motion and so am I.