I am on the search for some new hair products. My allergies are killing me lately even with some products that I considered my favorites. I was sad to send my beloved Elasta QP Mango and Olive Oil Styling Cream home with my mom because the smell was just getting to me a little too much.
I have tried a few new items over the past few weeks, but right now I’m trying a new line by YouTuber, Shana. You can check her out
. What I really love is that all of her products are available in sample sizes! I ordered a handful of samples to try out.

What I have here are samples of her cleansing conditioner, deep conditioner, leave-in conditioner (cream), leave-in conditioner (spray), a cream-gel styler, gel, buttercream, and a body cream. You can see all of the samples available by visiting her site.
I am going to finish out the week with these products before I give a review.
In the meantime…since my hair is getting to a good length now that hangs quite well, I am enjoying wearing braid-outs. They take longer to set and take down but I really love the results. I have not taken any pictures lately, but another YouTuber BlakIzBeautyful recently posted a braid-out tutorial video that is right in line with how I do my hair.
I do set my hair in sections smaller than hers so I can get a little more definition. The most important thing to remember in a braid-out is to allow enough time to dry. I am constantly waking up with damp hair so I have learned to set my hair with a little more gel. The gel lets me take the braids down and as long as I do minimum manipulation before it dries, my style is preserved.
I would love to hear from the naturals out there. What new products are you trying? And what styles are speaking to you right now?