Frog or Finish Friday-Schaeffer Scarf


I have learned to stay away from knitting shops when I am itching for a new project or when a trunk show is in town. Both of these led me to purchasing this yarn. This is a very beautiful and slightly expensive yarn from t

he Shaeffer Yarn Company

. I went to the trunk show and was captivated with the yarn and stories of the ladies that each yarn is named for. I am a sucker for a good story! I was very happy with this particular yarn pick. It is Laurel in the Empress Wu Zhao color way. It came with this lovely pattern for a criss cross wrap but for some reason, I was in love with entrelac and decided to do the

Lady Eleanor Entrelac Stole

, which is a very lovely pattern itself.


See the date tag on the photo? 2007! I have this project on the needles for almost a full five years. That is atrocious! Back on topic...

The problem I find myself with now is that I have many, many scarves and wraps and frankly, I don’t need another one. So finishing this project really won’t yield me a usable product. So, I’m sad to say this project must be FROGGED!

I don’t yet know what this yarn will become. It’s color variation and shine make it a little difficult to choose a project, but I’ll be on the look out. As usual, I am open to suggestion!