The Ballroom, Of Course


I have been a little slow on wedding planning, but one of the things I did do early was book the location. We will be getting married in the Silver Ballroom at the Sheraton Read House in Chattanooga, TN. Since I attended my first wedding here, this location has held a special place with me.


The wedding ceremony and reception will take place in the ball room. There’s an area outside the ballroom for bar and mingling. The Gold room is also available to me. It’s such a pretty space. My goal is to have a beautiful but simple wedding. There is nothing better than having one location for everything with a price that can include location, food, cake, DJ and setup all in one. You don’t get any better than that! I still need to get rooms booked and rates set up for guests and a whole list of other things. But I’m not as far behind as I feared. That’s the lie I’m telling myself so I would appreciate it if you didn’t make me face reality.

Still Learning

This is my fifth year blogging (WOW!) and there is still so much to learn about this whole process.  If you are reading this in your RSS reader, I encourage you to click over to the site and take a look at the page.  Go ahead, I'll wait for you there.  :)
I haven't changed much, but there are some things I want to point out.

  1. As I mentioned before, I've done some cleanup to the tags on each of my posts, making the Tags list in the right-hand bar more useful. Just click one of the words and you get all the posts that I've assigned that tag to. I love easy to find information.
  2. I've finally learned how to set up and display multiple pages to the blog. You will see those listed in the ribbon just below the title banner. These will change every few months as my focus changes, but for right now the wedding and the blogging conferences, Blogalicious and Blissdom are my areas of focus.  And I can't forget my prayer project which will be continuing throughout the year.
  3. I have often had comments made to the blog that I wished I could respond to.  At one point in time, Blogger did not have a native solution for responding to comments.  This is now available and I plan to use it to continue our conversations.
I'm sure there will be other changes as I continue to learn and grow.  If you more experienced and savvy bloggers have any suggestions for me, please let me know.  I would love to get your feedback.

The Standout

I decided to try a new project today. I have been wanted to bling out a case for my cell phone for some time now. I keep looking at the different cases for sell and that people have DIY’d and I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to shell out the bucks to buy one or order the supplies and do it myself. Since I have a case for my laptop that I hardly use, I decided to go ahead and give it a try on the laptop. I went to Michael’s and bought a multipack of plastic flat multi-faceted rhinestones. I already had jewelry adhesive at home--lots of it--so I didn’t need to purchase more. I don’t know how many colors are in this pack but I only plan to use the pink/light purple blends for this case.



This is as far as I got before I was forced to take a break to attend a meeting.


This is not a quick project so I will update you when I make it a little further. Of course, this is just so my laptop stands out a little bit when I hit Blissdom in February.