
So much as been going on but my blogging is not keeping up with it all. Not to mention, I have been getting so caught up in what’s been going on that I have been forgetting to take pictures.

Last week, my mother and grandmother came to visit. My mother, who was a transitioning natural, let me cut her hair and give her a henna treatment while my grandmother graciously tackled several of the sewing projects in my works-in-progress bin. I took no pictures. Absolutely none.

Mom and grandma also helped me visit florists for the wedding. I visited two beautiful shops and have no pictures to document the outing, but I’m sure I will be visiting them both again in the future.

And I really need to blog about the Costco that opened close to Chattanooga. They snuck that in on me while I was on business assignment in DC. Granted I was gone for two years so I should have expected some changes, but this is one I was not expecting. I am loving Costco. I was worried I wouldn’t have need for the membership, but the fruits and vegetables are enough to keep me going back. The selection is amazing and the grapefruits are the size of a child’s head! I’m serious. Check out your local Costco and you will see what I’m talking about.

I took a sewing class tonight (Big Hoop Love) and even though I did not take any pictures, I will be blogging about the projects I made and all that I learned.

Ta-Ta for now, kiddies.

Hope you are having an allergy free start to the spring. (I’m not!)

Continuing To Vow

During Blissdom 2012, Hallmark asked us to make a video of who we were sending a card to. This is my video. I was cute that day! I am not a video maker at all, but I didn’t do too bad. I took some tips away from this of things to improve but I am thrilled that I even stepped up to do this. That is a big deal for me. I am by no means an extrovert so I consider this a major growth moment.

In continuing to spread the word about this special campaign, Hallmark is giving me the opportunity to get you into the spirit of telling those in your life the things they need to know. They will send a package of cards to one of my lovely readers. Please make a comment to this post or my previous Hallmark Blissdom post and I will randomly select one person to receive these goodies from Hallmark. Comments posted by midnight March 21st are eligible.

What do you need to tell the people in your life?

Reading the Woody Allen Collection


Continuing on my reading journey for the year, I devoured four Woody Allen books in my Audible library. Despite my repulsion at some of the decisions Mr. Woody has made in his personal life, I adore this man as a great writer. And hearing him read his short stories was even better. He is so comical and entertaining and personable…yes, I find Woody Allen personable. This man can turn a simple conversation about nothing into an event that makes you want to be a fly on the wall. My fiancé considers him the original Seinfeld. His re-writes of history are nothing short of hilarious and his subtle, yet jarring, methods of insulting characters had me laughing all over the place. I know insults shouldn’t be funny but he does them in such a way that they are too over the top to be taken seriously.

I would love to have a few dinners with Woody to see how his thought process flows. For now, I’ll just settle with this collection of books. I give these the highest rank possible, two thumbs up and a highly motivating and expressive recommendation to read.

All book links provided (in the sidebar) are from Amazon where I am an affiliate, but please support the book seller of your choice.